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English Language Development Courses

ELD 1AB—Emerging
This course is for newcomers or students who may demonstrate few or no English skills. Students at this level learn to use English for immediate needs as well as to begin to understand and use academic vocabulary and other features of academic language.
ELD 2AB—Expanding
In this course students are challenged to increase their English skills in more contexts and to learn a greater variety of vocabulary and linguistic structures, applying their growing language skills in more sophisticated ways.
ELD 3AB—Intermediate
This level challenges students to learn and apply a range of high-level English language skills in a wide variety of contexts. Students begin to tailor their English language skills to meet communication and learning demands. They speak and write full paragraphs, original statements, and questions.
ELD 4—Early Advanced
In this course students begin to combine the elements of the English language in complex, cognitively demanding situations, including comprehension and production of highly technical texts. Students are challenged to produce more elaborate discourse, fully developed paragraphs, and compositions. The course strategies and skills help students transition to full engagement in grade?level academic tasks and activities in a variety of content areas without the need for specialized ELD instruction.
Literacy and Language
Advanced ELD
Literacy and Language and Advanced ELD emphasize development of students' listening, speaking, writing and reading skills in English. Language and Learning focuses on the English 3D curriculum developed by Dr. Kate Kinsella and published by Scholastic, while Advanced ELD uses the Readers' Handbook and Write Source curriculum published by Great Source. Both courses feature instruction in successful habits of mind and AVID-like study skills. They connect development of academic vocabulary to the content studies at Grand Arts, as well as to careers and college. These courses involve close collaboration between the instructor and the core English teachers and employ research-based instructional strategies designed to accelerate English Language Development, including student-centered activities and inquiry-based learning.