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 SSC - 3:45 pm
Meeting will be held in the Parent Center - In Person & Zoom Link 
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 848 9822 9492f
Passcode: SSC
School Site Council (SSC)

Students, Teachers, and Parents/Guardians: You are encouraged to make a difference in the governance of our school by participating in this year's School Site Council (SSC). The SSC comprises parents, students, faculty, and administrators who are elected annually by their stakeholder groups. Everyone is invited to participate in SSC meetings, even those who do not wish to serve on the SSC. The SSC works to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan which includes specific goals and steps to improve student performance. 
Please see agenda's files below/Por favor de ver documents para agendas abajo
SSC Meeting Dates
#1 October 2-  Monday/ lunes
#2 October 30- Monday/ lunes
#3 November 16-Thursday/ jueves
#4 January 22-Monday/ lunes
#5 Feb 12 - Monday/ lunes
#6 Feb 26 - Monday/ lunes
#7 March 18 - Monday/ lunes
#8 April 8- Monday/ lunes
#9 May 6- Monday/ lunes
We encourage you to join us in-person in the Parent Center. If you are unable to join us in-person, please join us via Zoom.
Link to Join on Zoom:
Password: SSC
Los invitamos a que te unas a nosotros en persona en el Centro de Padres. Si no puede unirse a nosotros en persona, únase a nosotros a través de Zoom.
Enlace para unirse en Zoom:
Contraseña: ELAC
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 9:00 am
Meeting will be held in the Parent Center - In Person & Zoom Link
Zoom Link:  Meeting ID: 876 2896 5702
Passcode: ELAC
English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC)

The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a committee for those who want to advocate for English Learners. This group of teachers, parents, administrators and students make recommendations regarding programs for English Learner students and supports with the development of our school's improvement plan to ensure that our English Learner students receive the support they need.
Please see agenda's files below/Por favor de ver documents para agendas abajo
ELAC  Meeting Dates
ELAC Elections: 9-14-2023 Thursday/jueves
ELAC Meeting #1: 10-18-2023 Wednesday/miercoles
ELAC Meeting #2: 11-15-2023 Wednesday/miercoles
ELAC Meeting #3: 1-17-2024 Wednesday/miercoles
ELAC Meeting #4: 2-7-2024 Wednesday/miercoles
ELAC Meeting #5: 5-1-2025 Wednesday/miercoles
We encourage you to join us in-person in the Parent Center. If you are unable to join us in-person, please join us via Zoom.
Link to Join on Zoom:
Password: ELAC
Los invitamos a que te unas a nosotros en persona en el Centro de Padres. Si no puede unirse a nosotros en persona, únase a nosotros a través de Zoom.
Enlace para unirse en Zoom:
Contraseña: ELAC

Local School Leadership Committee (LSLC)

The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared decision-making body, composed of elected parents, students, administrators, and teachers/staff. The LSLC works cooperatively to make decisions in these areas: 1) School calendar 2) Professional development schedule 3) Budget for instructional materials 4) Student discipline guidelines 5) Guidance for school equip
LSLC Meeting Dates
Thursday, January 18
Thursday, February 22
Thursday, March 14 
Thursday, April 25
Thursday, May 16 
We encourage you to join us in-person in the Parent Center. If you are unable to join us in-person, please join us via Zoom. 
Link to Join on Zoom:

The Positive Behavior Support Plan Committee

The Positive Behavior Support Plan Committee  comprised of Students, Parents, Teachers, Admin, lead by our Dean. The committee meets monthly in a collaborative effort to create/enhance a positive supportive, welcoming, warm, inclusive  campus culture for  all students.  The committee meets the last Wednesday of each month.
PBIS Meeting Dates

