Music » Music Academy

Music Academy

Music is a universal language dating from earliest recorded time. Music combines mathematics, history, physical education, and science. But music itself is more than the sum of those parts. Music speaks to us in sound and silence, allows us to feel another's pain and joy—and to communicate our own. Music enlarges us, transports us, delights us, moves us. Music reminds us of what it means to be human. Through music's beauty and rigors we grow, we become more—more compassionate, more dedicated, more persistent, more fulfilled, more aware, more appreciative, more human, more ourselves.
The music department is committed to preparing our students to pursue their dreams in music, wherever those dreams may lead. All music students receive training in theory, sight reading, technical studies, history, and performance. Our curriculum is anchored in the California Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards and augmented by extended partnerships with the Los Angeles Master Chorale, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and the Los Angeles Opera, adjudicated festivals, and master classes with numerous renowned visiting Master Artists.