Parent Information » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Students must attend school every day and arrive on time to all classes 100% of the time. Each student is expected to maintain at least a 96% attendance rate (no more than 3 absences per semester). All absences must be cleared and verified upon returning from absence(s).
Returning From an Absence
• Students must bring a note with their name, date of birth, date of the absence(s); the reason for their absence(s) and parent/guardian signature.
• Parent/guardian must speak directly with office personnel to clear an absence (213) 217-8600.
• Note must be presented to the Main Office before the start of the school day (8:30 a.m.).
Leaving School Early
• Parent or guardian must “sign-out” their son/daughter at the Attendance Office by presenting a photo ID. If parent or guardian is unable to pick up the student another person on the emergency card can pick up the student with a photo ID (no exceptions will be made).
• When a student needs to leave school early for an appointment such as a doctor, dental, etc., a parent note or doctor’s appointment notice must be brought to the Main office. A parent note must include the student’s name, date of birth, time of the appointment, telephone number and parent/guardian signature. School personnel will contact parent to verify the authenticity of the note presented. Telephone number on the note must match the telephone number listed in MiSiS, the LAUSD student information system.
Change of Address or Phone Numbers – Must Notify School Immediately
• Per District policy, parent/guardian must notify the school immediately of any address or telephone number change. If there is an address change, a public utility bill such as a gas, water, electric or rental agreement must be presented to the Main Office.